Hello, and thank you for visiting our site.
I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and I was born again at the age of nine. Since the age of twelve, I have had the privilege of serving the Lord through local church in ministries such as the bus ministry, children’s church worker, camp counselor, and church maintenance crew. At the age of nineteen, I answered God’s call on my life to preach. The Lord led me to Powell, Tennessee, where I graduated from Crown College in 1995. My wife and I were married in February of 1998. God has blessed us with four boys. We believe these are the most exciting days to serve our Lord.
By God’s grace, I have been privileged to pastor some of the finest of God’s people for 24 years and serve Him in ministry for 30 years. We believe that the church is not a hall of fame, rather it is a hospital to help hurting people and families with the love of God. At Amazing Grace Baptist Church, we love and accept people exactly how and where they are in life, and together try to lead all of us to where God desires us to be. Jesus said “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The need of this hour is the preaching and teaching of the truth of God’s Word on fire, lifted up in love.
There are a variety of areas of service you can be involved in and help us “raise up the foundations of many generations.” There is a place for everyone, at whatever age and stage of life at Amazing Grace Baptist Church. I hope you will visit us soon. May the Lord richly bless you.
By His Mercy,
Pastor Brian Andrew